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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Ummy Yummy Grilled Artichokes

We recently discovered this recipe and it has turned non-artichoke people into artichoke lovers!  It has surprised and astounded and amazed!  It is. . . Ummy Yummy!!  I like mine with a nice piece of steak - or whatever protein you choose.  Pictured is steak with mango salsa on top. YUM!    Oh!  BTW...Artichokes have inulin in them which is supposed to be another "gut healer."  Artichokes are also considered and aphrodisiac so . . . take that info and do what you want with it.

First things First:  How to prep an artichoke.
These buggers look really intimidating if you have never attempted them before.  They are spiny, and big and round and just look like the most well armored vegetable ever!  They are deceptively easy to conquer.  It's hard to explain so here is a youtube video on the subject.  Personally, I leave a little more of the stem and a little more of the tops than this guy does - but his explanation is pretty great.  Preparing Artichokes

I also envy him that he has such a selection of fresh beautiful artichokes. . . *sigh*

Ok now that you have prepped your artichokes you can put the into a boiling water bath for about 20 minutes.  You may have to poke them down into the boiling water - they tend to float.  Just periodically check the water bath and make sure to mix them up a bit.

Meanwhile make your YUMMY Marinade!

1/3 cup Lemon Juice
3 TBSP chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Mix everything except olive oil together
Slowly whisk in olive oil

Once you remove your artichokes from their bath - let them drain in a strainer.
Next find suitable container and put the 'chokes in then pour marinade on top of them.
Allow them to marinade for at least an hour for best results.

Now grill them - either with an outdoor grill, a stovetop grill or if you have neither of those - heat up a skillet and grill them face down there.

Once done - ENJOY!  Use some of the marinade for a dipping sauce.   If you have never eaten an artichoke before. . . there is a youtube for that as well!  This video says remove the fuzzy layer - but yours is already gone.  Bon Apetite!

How to Eat an Artichoke

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