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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Alfredo Sauce

A couple months ago I got tomato-ed out!  I went through a week of zucchini-linguine and meatballs followed by paleo Chilli followed by something else tomato based and I had had it!  I decided to try to make a white sauce to go over my zucchini-linguine and it actually turned out pretty good!   It takes awhile as it involves reduction but I make up a batch and then I have a couple meals worth.  The zucchini has a lovely texture to it - almost noodle like after a little session of saute.  I quite enjoy them and I quite enjoy this dish.

1/2 can coconut milk
3/4 cup almond milk
3 tbsp olive oil
Garlic powder or pressed garlic to taste
Herbs (I prefer fresh but you can probably try dried if that's what's at your disposal.)
I tend to use basil, thyme, rosemary, and whatever might also be in the fridge.  Taste it until you like it.

Mix it all together and get it to a simmer.  Stir frequently or more frequently for probably about an hour for it to reduce down.  Toss with your sauteed zucchini and serve.  Super easy and surprisingly yum!!

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