This one is super easy and super yummy! For this I use campari tomatoes. They are nice and juicy but sweet at the same time. I also make my own pesto since store bought has cheese in it. *Boo dairy!*
My pesto:
Fresh herbs (Sometimes just basil but sometimes a combo - some basil, marjoram, tarragon. . . whatever's clever!)
Olive Oil
I use my magic bullet but whatever your food processor is or blender is...just blend it all up until you get a nice consistency. I keep this a staple in my fridge. A spoonful here or a spoonful there adds a lot to many recipes.
For the salad:
3-5 Campari Tomato's
1/2 Avacado
One twist of sea salt grinder
Olive Oil
My basic recipe. I use approx 3-5 campari's. Dice them and add them to a bowl. Next, take a heaping spoonful of your pesto plus generous amount of olive oil and your twist of sea salt. Mix that all together until it has a nice coating to it. The amount is preference but I really *REALLY* like the olive oil, tomato, pesto "soup" left over at the bottom. It's so yummy! I might not be able to stomach shots of olive oil straight like Big D, but I could drink this concoction all day long! After you mix it all together - then add the avacado and pecans. That keeps them from getting too beat up during the mixing process.
ENJOY! I hope you like it as much as I do.
*I treat my nuts ahead of time to remove as much of the Phytic Acid as possible. There are many schools of thought on this one but from what I have read, the phytic acid has a leaching "chelating" property which removes essential minerals from our body. I tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to health. If you treat your nuts ahead of time - although time consuming and a pain in the *** it is supposed to remove a significant amount of the phytic acid. Do your own research and make your own choices.
Here's how I do mine: I soak my nuts for about 24 hours, then drain them and put them in my dehydrator until they are all dry again. I then store them in airtight containers in the freezer. You can do your own research and decide. Just wanted to throw that one out there.
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