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Sunday, December 19, 2010

Emery's Turkey Breast Roulade [roo-lahd]

Turkey Breast Roulade [roo-lahd]

4 oz Mushrooms
1 avacado
1 large red onion
1 bundle shallots
1 lemon
1 clove garlic
2 lb Turkey Breasts
1 lb bacon
String (or bamboo skewers)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Dice mushrooms, onion, shallots & garlic and combine in a bowl.  Juice the lemon and mix into the bowl.  Lay the turkey breast on a cutting board and flatten with a mallet until between 0.25" and 1.75" thick.  Season as desired (I used garlic salt and pepper).  Place two strips of bacon on top of the turkey breast; top the bacon with spinach so that the entire breast is covered with spinach one layer thick.  Slice the avocado and lay three to five slices perpendicular to the direction the meat will be rolled.  Finally, add the onion mixture and roll tightly.  Wrap with string or use the bamboo skewers to keep the roulade rolled.  Cover with aluminum foil and bake for 35 minutes.  After 35 minutes, remove teh top layer of aluminum foil and set oven to broil until roulade is golden brown.

Emery's Quick & Dirty Paleo Pizza

Not only does he make sure all that traffic in the sky is in order - He's darn handy in the kitchen!  May we present....the recipe.


Tomatoes.  A couple of them.  Throw them in a blender with some water.  Toss that in a pot with spices of your choice (garlic, basil, oregano work well) and simmer with diced onions until they are the proper consistency.  Or get Newman's Own Organic.  It works.

Standard 1:1:3: ratio.  Water, Egg, Flour.  Since almond meal doesn't have gluten, it won't get crispy like flour.  To make up for that, we use egg whites only and fold them into the meal / water mixture.  It should be lump-free and slightly sticky.  I also mix in some light spices and garlic paste.  om nom nom.  Glaze it with a healthy amount of olive oil and bake this at 400 for ~15 minutes before adding the...

Spinach.  Blanch it and throw it in with the sauce.  A lot of it.  Spinach = cheese in paleo pizza. 
Meats - your choice.  I use spicy Italian sausage and pepperoni.  Go crazy.  Mix hamburger with balsamic vinegrette.  
Figs - they are delicious.  Use those.
Leftover spinach - put it on top in alternating layers with the other toppings.
Mushrooms - who doesn't love them?  Communists.  These will double as a communist-detection technique.  Nobody spoils a party like a communist.
Feta cheese - is paleo for athletes.  I can have it, you can't.  Nya-nah nah nah-nah.
What else?  What else!  Go crazy.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Melissa's" Breaded" Chicken


Chicken Breasts
1 small coconut yogurt plain flavor
3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 cups almond meal
2 Tbsp Italian Seasoning
2 Tbsp Parsley
2 tsp onion powder
2 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp red pepper flakes (omit for the kiddies)
Ice and water
Coconut oil


Get one deep bowl and two shallow bowls.  Put ice and water in deep bowl.   In the second bowl mix your yogurt and garlic together.    In remaining bowl, mix almond meal and next 5 ingredients.  Now take your chicken and soak it in the ice water for 10 minutes.  Really cold chicken holds breading better. Take the chicken out and pat dry.  Butterfly the breasts and pound the thick part of the breast out so they are even and thin.  Coat the breast with yogurt and then almond mixture.

Get your pan hot with the coconut oil and then fry up these little guys.  They only take a couple minutes per side.  Drain on paper towel if necessary.

May I just say, once again, Melissa, You rock!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Chorizo Fritata

Our Fierce Mama has yet another breakfast treat!   They say that breakfast is the heart of the family  - and with that gorgeous family of current Mom & Dad CrossFitters as well as the young'uns so desperate for their own CrossFit career to begin - it's no wonder she has so many delectable delights!  Goooo Melissa!!


1 lb Chorizo sausage
1 can diced green chilies
20 large black olives sliced
12 eggs
1 small yellow onion diced
1 red bell pepper diced
2 Chipotle peppers chopped
Fresh cilantro chopped
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp cumin


Melissa used her favorite cast iron skillet for this recipe.  (Cast iron skillets are SOOO COOL! I aspire to have one one day!)

  1. Preheat oven to 400 Fahrenheit
  2. In skillet (Cast iron or oven safe) over medium heat, cook chorizo (be sure to remove casing) until crumbly.  Remove from heat.
  3. To skillet: add onions, bell peppers, chipotle and saute in sausage drippings.
  4. Cook thoroughly for about 8 minutes
  5. Add sausage, can of chilies and black olives back to the pan.  Mix well over medium-low heat. 
  6. While the above is cooking, in a separate bowl whisk eggs.  Season with Orgeno, Cumin, chopped cilantro, salt and pepper.
  7. Read this step before doing! Pour egg mixture into DO NOT MIX! Now cook for another 10 minutes.
  8. Place entire skillet into oven for another 6-10 minutes until fritata is lightly brown on top and egg is well set.
  9. Remove from oven and let cool slightly.
  10. Carefully cut into 8 slices.
Call that Yummers on a Plate! Enjoy!

Breakfast Cups

Oh the creative Mama Melissa has been at it again!  This is her recipe for a great breakfast that is not only totally yummy but totally portable!  Maybe it's like a paleo pop tart - just way way better!


1 Whole Package of Ground Turkey or Turkey Sausage - over 1 lb
1 Yellow, Red or Orange Bell Pepper chopped
1 Whole Medium Onion Chopped
1 Package of Sliced White Mushrooms
Sea Salt
10 Large Eggs


  1. Preheat oven to 350
  2. Line 12 cup muffin pan (or 2 six cup muffin pans) with paper baking cups.  Use only one paper cup per muffin is best.
  3. In a medium non-stick skillet over medium heat, cook turkey, pepper, onion, and mushrooms for 5 minutes or until turkey is no longer pink.
  4. Add a pinch of salt and pepper
  5. In a medium bowl, whisk together the 10 eggs.
  6. Add ingredients from the skillet to the eggs and mix together
  7. Now spoon the ingredients into your muffin tins.
  8. Bake for 15 minutes.
Voila!  Portable Paleo Breakfast for those hectic morning chasing a mammoth or a car pool lane!

Melissa's Paleo Pancakes - 2 Recipes

We all know a Paleo Mama is not only a Hot Mama - but a Mama who has to be creative if she is going to get her kids to eat the way cave kids ought to.  Here are her two paleo pancake recipes!  Griddle Hot Mama, Griddle!

Applesauce Pale Pancakes

2-3 Eggs
1/2 c. unsweetened applesauce
1/2 c. almond butter
bunch of shakes of cinnamon
1/2 c. almond meal
1-2 tsp pure vanilla extract

Mix well and slap on a pancake griller!

Paleo Pancakes

2 ripe bananas
1 egg
1 heaping teaspoon almond butter


Mash banana really well and beat in egg
Add almond butter and stir, Stir, STIR!
Get a pan going with olive oil spray
Spoon in batter
Use a MEDIUM flame and be patient!  I would assume medium on electrics as well.
Wait until batter is set - similar to cooking an omelet
These are not easy to flip so do not make them big and do not crowd the pan!
Ever so gently, turn them over and cook through.
Serve with some berries!

Alfredo Sauce

A couple months ago I got tomato-ed out!  I went through a week of zucchini-linguine and meatballs followed by paleo Chilli followed by something else tomato based and I had had it!  I decided to try to make a white sauce to go over my zucchini-linguine and it actually turned out pretty good!   It takes awhile as it involves reduction but I make up a batch and then I have a couple meals worth.  The zucchini has a lovely texture to it - almost noodle like after a little session of saute.  I quite enjoy them and I quite enjoy this dish.

1/2 can coconut milk
3/4 cup almond milk
3 tbsp olive oil
Garlic powder or pressed garlic to taste
Herbs (I prefer fresh but you can probably try dried if that's what's at your disposal.)
I tend to use basil, thyme, rosemary, and whatever might also be in the fridge.  Taste it until you like it.

Mix it all together and get it to a simmer.  Stir frequently or more frequently for probably about an hour for it to reduce down.  Toss with your sauteed zucchini and serve.  Super easy and surprisingly yum!!

Good Enough for a Caveman Lemon Meringue PIe

I made this for my husband when he came home for a visit over Thanksgiving. Oh and I also made it for the Paleo Thanksgiving come to think of it!  Well, I know for sure that my Caveman LOVED it!!!    In fact he loved all the cave-cuisine I made while he was here.  *Yay!*  I found this recipe on Crossfit Central's website.  I made a couple of adaptations.  It was definitely yummy!!!

 Paleo Lemon Meringue Pie


Lemon Filling
1 cup lemon juice
5tsp finely grated lemon rind
(approximately 4 lemons)
1/2 cup honey (Crossfit Central recipe uses Maple Syrup.)
1 /2 cup coconut milk
4 Tbsp. coconut flour (for thickening)  Crossfit Central's recipe used Arrowroot.
5 egg yolks

5 egg whites
2 tsp (or so) of lime juice.  This helps the egg whites form stiff peaks.  "Traditional" recipes use cream of tatar for this purpose - I discovered Lime juice back in the days of being a nanny.
2tbs agave (Crossfit Central used Maple Syrup)

2 and a half cups crushed pecans
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
4 tbsp unsalted butter melted

Form crust in pie dish.  I like to use cellophane between my hands and the crust.  It allows me to really use my hands in combination with a rubber spatula to form the crust the way I want it in the pie pan.    Chill crust in fridge until hard. Then add filling.  It takes a bit to chill the crust.  You might want to make the crust the night before.


Pre-heat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.

Place lemon juice, lemon rind and honey in a medium size pan on low heat.

In a small bowl, combine coconut milk and coconut flour.  I recommend sifting it in since it tends to be lumpy.   Add to lemon juice mixture, stirring consistently until simmering.

Beat egg yolks together in a small bowl then add to simmering lemon mixture, stir constantly for 3-4 minutes, or until mixture has thickened. Pour into a pie dish.  (Mine took longer than 3-4 minutes.  I would say I stirred mine for probably close to 10 minutes.  Do not panic if yours has not thickened by 4 minutes.)

To make the meringue, beat the egg whites on a high speed until frothy.  Add the lime juice.  Continue to beat until stiff peaks form.  Slowly add in the avage - while the mixer continues to beat.  (Stand Mixers make this soooo much easier!)

Spoon the meringue on top of the lemon filling.  I prefer to make a seal with the meringue where it meets the crust.  I always have - don't know if it makes a significant difference or not.   Place the pie into oven and bake for 8-10 minutes, or until lightly browned.

Cool before serving.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Paleo Power Bar?

I am not even sure if we can call it that but sounds good to me.  So today I was at Costco. . . love that gigantic warehouse!  I ran into one of our fellow Beastsiders.  He introduced me to one of his favorite staples from Costco.  It was Mrs. May's Triple Berry Crunch.  Looks good right?!?!  Variety of nuts, variety of berries and wait!  What's that?!?!  Cane Sugar and Rice Malt?  Oh here go Hell come! (Thanks to Soup on E! for that phrase...I love it!)

Either way.  Why Mrs. May?!!!?!?!?  Why did you have to put the cane sugar and the Rice Malt in there?   It was so nearly very perfect!  It was so close to an item that was tasty and I could just buy it!  I wouldn't have to make it....*sigh*sob*

*Sigh*  I went home and decided to make it.  Here is my paleo version of her tasty treats.

I took a variety of nuts - again - if you read the previous post you know I soak mine to reduce the amount of phytic acid then dehydrate.  You are on your own for your decision.  I used a almonds, pecans and walnuts.  It's the triad I always keep on hand.  For sweetener/binder I used Honey.  For berries - mine is only a 2 berry treat.  I used blue and straw.  Probably half a cup of blue berries (frozen) and cup of frozen strawberries.  Frozen processes better to remain more chunky.  Put the honey over a double boiler or a bowl over a pan of boiling water to melt it nicely.  Chop up your berries to chunky but not pureed.   Put your nuts in a bowl.  Add the chopped berries then the honey.  How much honey?  I probably used maybe a cup for enough to fill a 9' x 12' pan.  I mixed it all together until it made a nice consistency then pressed it into the pan.

Put it into the oven at around 250 for a slow baking - maybe two hours, two and a half.  You want it to be a nice crispy yet smooth and yummy crispy bar consistency.  Does that make sense?  I hope so.  Again - ovens vary so you kind of have to check - but probably at least an hour - no more than two depending on elevation and oven.  Let it cool then chop that bad boy into square of paleo power bar delights!  YUM!!!

Another method that might turn out even better is using a dehydrator.  My dehydrator met a sad fate a couple weeks ago and completely melted.  I have yet to find a suitable replacement.  If you have a dehydrator and want to try pressing the bar into a dehydrator plate, my suspicion is that will work even better.  With that method you might even try fresh berries.  It's just a thought!

This has both fruit and sweetener in it so bear that in mind!

Paleo Fish Tacos

Mahi-Mahi is wonderful or Tilapia works if that's more available.  Depending on where you live (El Paso?) I have not found a mahi-mahi supply.  *pout!*

2 pounds (Yikes! that's a lot! fish skinned, boned and cleaned)
sea salt
ground pepper
red cabbage
Mango Salsa (see previous post)

Pink Chile Mayonnaise:
1 c. mayonnaise (Make your own or make sure it's free of soybean oil, sugar, other unfavorable oils.)
3 Chipotles in Adobo (Again - have not found one that commercially does not contain soybean oil, sugar and other forbiddens...even corn oil and other corn derivatives. I attempted to make my own, however,  not a southwestern girl by birth or even for more than a couple months, I am pretty sure my particular mayo did not have chipotle taste.  It was a very tasty spicy mayo though.  If anyone out there feels inclined, I am open to recipe suggestions as well as pepper education!)
1/2 Lemon juiced
sea salt and pepper to taste

Puree those chipotles/peppers then Mix it all together baby!

Ok now cook the fish - 400 degrees for 13 minutes.  Shred the cabbage.  Make a nice little bed of cabbage (and lettuce if you desire) on a plate.  If you want more of a "taco" experience. . . use leaf lettuce or leaf cabbage.   "Chunk" the fish in a bowl and toss with the mayo.  Put that on top of your cabbage bed then top with mango salsa.  Can you say Yum?!?!

Ok you don't have to do 2 pounds if you don't have enough people who want to eat 2 pounds of fish.  The quantities can be easily adjusted to whomever you have to serve.  Yummy tho!!!  Remember to keep your fish to the smaller variety and wild caught!  The larger a fish is, the longer they have had to fully incorporate the evils toxins we have screwed our oceans and lakes with.  Does that make sense?  Keep it small and keep it wild. Your intake of toxins remains relatively low plus you are supporting happy fish!

Mango Salsa

I am sure there are like 18 million variations of mango salsa.  Also, given the fact that with this particular recipe I am no where near a native to Salsa land. . . I absolutely swear I am not an authority!  That being said, I found this recipe, I made it, I liked it.  I have now been putting it on just about everything!  Steak with mango Salsa.  Chicken with mango Salsa.  OH! And my recent favorite....caseless chicken sausage with chipotle mayo and mango salsa.  UMMMY YUMMMY!

1 C. diced mango
1/2 medium red onion finely chopped
1 small cucumber diced
2 TBSP Cilantro (Note: I hate cilantro so I used parsley.  I know I know - cilantro is wonderful- not 4 me!)
3 TBSP Lime Juice
Salt & Pepper to taste

Toss it all together and you have a wonderful mango salsa!  Feel free to comment with what you would put in yours to make it yummier or better!

Ummy Yummy Grilled Artichokes

We recently discovered this recipe and it has turned non-artichoke people into artichoke lovers!  It has surprised and astounded and amazed!  It is. . . Ummy Yummy!!  I like mine with a nice piece of steak - or whatever protein you choose.  Pictured is steak with mango salsa on top. YUM!    Oh!  BTW...Artichokes have inulin in them which is supposed to be another "gut healer."  Artichokes are also considered and aphrodisiac so . . . take that info and do what you want with it.

First things First:  How to prep an artichoke.
These buggers look really intimidating if you have never attempted them before.  They are spiny, and big and round and just look like the most well armored vegetable ever!  They are deceptively easy to conquer.  It's hard to explain so here is a youtube video on the subject.  Personally, I leave a little more of the stem and a little more of the tops than this guy does - but his explanation is pretty great.  Preparing Artichokes

I also envy him that he has such a selection of fresh beautiful artichokes. . . *sigh*

Ok now that you have prepped your artichokes you can put the into a boiling water bath for about 20 minutes.  You may have to poke them down into the boiling water - they tend to float.  Just periodically check the water bath and make sure to mix them up a bit.

Meanwhile make your YUMMY Marinade!

1/3 cup Lemon Juice
3 TBSP chopped fresh parsley
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Mix everything except olive oil together
Slowly whisk in olive oil

Once you remove your artichokes from their bath - let them drain in a strainer.
Next find suitable container and put the 'chokes in then pour marinade on top of them.
Allow them to marinade for at least an hour for best results.

Now grill them - either with an outdoor grill, a stovetop grill or if you have neither of those - heat up a skillet and grill them face down there.

Once done - ENJOY!  Use some of the marinade for a dipping sauce.   If you have never eaten an artichoke before. . . there is a youtube for that as well!  This video says remove the fuzzy layer - but yours is already gone.  Bon Apetite!

How to Eat an Artichoke

Coconut Macaroons

1 c. or so Fresh or unsweetened Coconut toasted
6-8 egg whites - room temperature is best
1 tsp. Lime Juice *or*  if you would rather - cream of tarter but lime juice works just as well!
Sweetener of Choice (Agave, Honey or if you are a stevia person. . .)

Now there are other recipes out there that incorporate coconut flour etc and make a much more dense treat. I like this one because it is light and I'm a big fan of meringue.

Preaheat Oven to 400

For the coconut - I like fresh coconut best.  The flavor is amazing!  It beats all other coconut hands down to me - but if you are intimidated - buy unsweetened shredded. Just check the label for additives.  If you are intimidated by fresh coconut - I recently learned that many produce sections will cut the coconut in half for you if you ask them to.  I know for *sure* Albertsons brand stores do (Jewel, Albertsons, SuperValu etc).  I am pretty sure Safeway brand probably does as well (Safeway, Dominck's, Von's etc.).  Anyway - that answers the coconut question.

Shred your coconut until you have about a cup - maybe a little more.
Put coconut in a big skillet on a med-low heat to toast.  (5-10  minutes)  Stir somewhat frequently.
Hopefully you have a stand mixer - it makes meringue so much easier!
Beat your egg whites - once they get rather frothy - add your lime juice or cream of tarter.
This helps the egg whites stiffen.  They will get all shiny and beautiful once they start to form stiff peaks. At that point start to add your sweetener.  Add it until you find it sweet enough.  I hate to put a quantity because everyone likes their things to a different sweetness. Plus if you use agave vs honey they have a different sweet to them.  Add it slowly while the beating of the eggs continues.  Beat them awhile longer on high so you have some really nice stiff now sweet peaks.

Meanwhile you have been stirring your coconut so you have some nicely toasted coconut. Fold it in the mix.  Either slow your mixer down so it can do the folding for you or turn it off and fold the coconut in yourself.  Now make your spoonfuls.  Pop them on a cookie sheet -if you line the cookie sheet with parchment paper - getting them off will be so much easier.  Plus meringue seems to cook better on parchment.

The only tricky part to all of this is that meringue tends to break down rather quickly. . . especially with the coconut in it.  When I make them - I try to make 2 cookie sheets at a time.  They will not expand past the size they are when you put them on the sheet so you can group them closely together.  In my perfect world - bake the whole batch the first time around.

Bake them for 10-15 minutes until there is a little tiny bit of browning on the tips of the cookies.  If you don't like brown tips - go closer to 10 minutes.  Meringue cooks really quickly.  Every oven varies so you will have to judge for yourself a little bit.

Hope you enjoy them!

BTW - if you didn't know - coconut is a gut healer!  What a tasty way to heal one's gut!!! Yum!!!

Absolute FAVORITE Tomato Salad!

This one is super easy and super yummy!  For this I use campari tomatoes.  They are nice and juicy but sweet at the same time.  I also make my own pesto since store bought has cheese in it. *Boo dairy!*

My pesto:

Fresh herbs (Sometimes just basil but sometimes a combo - some basil, marjoram, tarragon. . . whatever's clever!)
Olive Oil

I use my magic bullet but whatever your food processor is or blender is...just blend it all up until you get a nice consistency.  I keep this a staple in my fridge.  A spoonful here or a spoonful there adds a lot to many recipes.

For the salad:

3-5 Campari Tomato's
1/2 Avacado
One twist of sea salt grinder
Olive Oil

My basic recipe.  I use approx 3-5 campari's.  Dice them and add them to a bowl.  Next, take a heaping spoonful of your pesto plus generous amount of olive oil and your twist of sea salt.  Mix that all together until it has a nice coating to it.  The amount is preference but I really *REALLY* like the olive oil, tomato, pesto "soup" left over at the bottom.  It's so yummy! I might not be able to stomach shots of olive oil straight like Big D, but I could drink this concoction all day long!  After you mix it all together - then add the avacado and pecans.  That keeps them from getting too beat up during the mixing process.

ENJOY!  I hope you like it as much as I do.

*I treat my nuts ahead of time to remove as much of the Phytic Acid as possible.  There are many schools of thought on this one but from what I have read, the phytic acid has a leaching "chelating" property which removes essential minerals from our body.  I tend to err on the side of caution when it comes to health.  If you treat your nuts ahead of time - although time consuming and a pain in the *** it is supposed to remove a significant amount of the phytic acid. Do your own research and make your own choices.

Here's how I do mine:  I soak my nuts for about 24 hours, then drain them and put them in my dehydrator until they are all dry again.  I then store them in airtight containers in the freezer.  You can do your own research and decide.  Just wanted to throw that one out there.