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Monday, January 17, 2011

Nut Berry Crunch

I have perfected it!  Or rather - made it significantly better!  Earlier I posted my first attempt which although tasty, was rather messy and not terribly portable.  I had wanted to make a snack that was - well - tasty and portable.  Plus the other "oven" version was much more wet.  Renee was saying that she would like to use this recipe as a cereal.  I think that would be a very do-able option for this.  It also works great to keep in the car for that moment when you need something quick and don't want to attempt to find something good in the circle K or 7-11. It was slightly time consuming - not in actual prep time but in actual dehydrator time. I LOVE my dehydrator as I have mentioned before.  Here is a link to my dehydrator.  It's so quick and clean up is super easy!!

What I did:

First - dehydrate your chosen berries.  I used from-frozen strawberries and blueberries I purchased at Costco.  Those who know me also know I Loooove Costco!  Anyway - partially dehydrate them.  Dehydrate them until they are mostly dehydrated but still slightly sticky.

Second - Take 2-3 egg whites.  Beat them until frothy.

Third - Add chosen sweetener to egg whites (Honey, Agave, Sucralose - whatever's your pleasure)  Beat until well mixed.

Fourth -  Add your chosen nuts to mixture.  I used pecans and almond slices.  Also fold in your berries.  Once you have a nice thick, sticky mixture, press this into one of your dehydrator trays with the mesh "Fruit roll" trays.  I also used a mesh tray on top as well.  It made it easy to press the mixture together so it would be more "compact" while drying.

Fifth - Set your dehydrator to halfway between the fruit and nut drying temp.

Sixth - Be patient.  It's worth the wait!  If you start in the morning, by evening you should have a nice crispy creation depending upon your dehydrator.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Sweet Potato Chips

I did taste test these and they were *awesome!!*  Personally, I won't be snacking on them too much because of the tendency they would have to increase the size of my derrière.  That being said, my hubby loves 'em!  I brought a sample for Renee after the Saturday WOD and she thought they were pretty great.  She shared with Nishna - who then wanted more but it seems Renee had a convenient hearing loss at that moment as Nish called across the gym for more....I take that as a sign of a successful snack.

VERY EASY!!  A little time consuming.

Use either mandolin or slicer on food processor and slice up your sweet potatoes.  I also shredded with the shredder attachment a couple of potatoes to make like "Haystack Style" chips.  They make a great topping for salads or other things when you want a little crunch but don't want a crouton.  Slice them, dice them, however you like and put into your dehydrator.  (I LOVE MY DEHYDRATOR!  After much research I recommend NESCO brand...just FYI)

Once your chips have been dehydrated, take a serving at a time and flash fry them in grapeseed oil.  Grapeseed has a higher smoking point.    By flash fry I quite literally mean flash!  Heat up the oil - put in the chips - get your spoon and pull them out.  I have not let any in for longer than maybe 5 to maybe 10 seconds.  Put them on your plate with paper towels already set up for draining.  Lightly salt if you so desire or season with whatever herbs you would like and serve.  Very very tasty - minimally oily since they were dehydrated first.

A couple of notes: I tried salting them prior to dehydration and they came out like salt chips. Ick!  Not sure why...but it was bad news when I tried.  Without the flash fry (imho) they were just a little too starchy.  The flash frying seems to "take the edge off" or at least it did in my opinion.  Enjoy!!